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Signlz Product Studio: Alpha Version

Signlz Product Studio Initial Release

Hey Product People,

We are excited to announce the alpha release of our groundbreaking tool – Signlz Product Studio, an AI-powered PRD (Product Requirements Document) generator that is set to revolutionize the way product professionals create, manage, and execute product development tasks.

At Signlz, we're driven by the vision of a seamless product management process, from ideation to execution, with a mission to equip you with tools that simplify the complex.

Product Management Simplified

Signlz is cutting through the clutter. You tell us your product idea, and we give you back a clear, structured PRD. It's that simple. Our AI understands product management, so it helps you outline PRDs, detail technical specs, and sort your tasks into Epics and Stories.

The platform offers the ability to:

  • Generate and edit product requirements and technical specifications with AI assistance.
  • Automatically decompose specs into Epics,Stories, and Sub-tasks.
  • Download and transfer tasks to favorite management tools like Jira, Asana, Trello, Linear, and more in minutes.
  • Maintain formatting integrity when transferring documents.

Consistency Meets Integration

We've built Signlz to deliver consistent results, drawing from a well of product management knowledge. Unlike versatile but often inconsistent text generators, Signlz ensures well-structured PRDs tailored to specific needs, incorporating handpicked product management frameworks and templates. It’s designed to work with the systems you already use, like Jira, making it a natural extension of your workflow.

Join the Revolution

This is just the start. We're working on expanding Signlz to cover market analysis, ideation, feature prioritization, and more, to support you throughout the product lifecycle.